Year 3

Please refer to the Welcome to Year 3 document. This outlines the things your child needs to bring to school, expectations regarding homework and other useful information.
Year 3 have lots of exciting things coming up in Term 5, such as RE day, recorders lessons and a DT workshop.
PE days - Tuesday and Wednesday

DT Minecraft workshop

Year 3 enjoyed taking part in a DT Minecraft workshop run by UWE. The children had the opportunity to develop their design skills and help design new ideas for the Temple Quarter area in Bristol. Their creative ideas and solutions will be considered by Bristol City Council.

As part of RE Day, we visited a Hindu Temple to learn more about the religion of Hinduism. Additionally, we made a traditional Hindu dip, Raita. Mrs Vaughan also shared her experience of being apart of a Hindu community and showed us photos as well as her Sari from her Hindu wedding.

Spelling Bee
Year 3 have been working so hard to learn their spellings for the 2024 Spelling Bee! Well done to everyone for participating.
Congratulations to all of our finalists and our 2024 Spelling Bee champion, Elliott.
Our aim is for children to read at home at least three times per week. Any reading should be recorded in your Reading Record. A list of recommended books for Year 3 is attached below in a document.
In maths this term, we are focusing on fractions
The children are encouraged to access TTRockstars at home weekly. 
Welcome to Year 3 
Tawny Owl Class - Miss Nashnush
Turtle Class - Miss Robb
Tree Frog Class - Mrs Bell (Monday-Wednesday)/Mrs Stark (Wednesday-Friday)
Tawny Owl Class enjoyed sharing what they have been learning about with parents and carers in their class assembly.
In English this term, we have been exploring traditional tales.
Below you can find documents which outline the Year 3 expected writing skills as well as the statutory spellings for Year 3. 
Spelling tests takes place on a Tuesday.
Polly Ho-Yen visited Holymead Primary School for an author visit and book signing. The children loved hearing about her new book, 'The Girl Who Became A Fish'.

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